• CUWB 3.0 (Bernoulli)
CUWB Viewer Manual
CUWB Viewer Manual Rev 1.0 CUWB Viewer Manual Download


The Viewer is a 3D visualization of the Ciholas Ultra-Wideband (CUWB) Real Time Location System (RTLS). It provides a user interface displaying the locations of CUWB network devices, such as Anchors and Tags in real time. The Viewer also presents basic system information, such as device status, statistics, sensor plotting, and more.


PPA Install and Setup

Follow the instructions below for CUWB Viewer installation. When prompted in the ‘CUWB Applications Selection”, ensure that CUWB Viewer is selected for installation.

  1. Follow best practices and review the install.sh script.
  2. Paste into an Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 terminal and press Enter:
    bash <(wget -qO- https://cuwb.io/install.sh)
  3. Paste into an Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 terminal and press Enter

System Requirements

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial or Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic
  • CPU: 64-bit dual core or better with SSE2 instruction set support
  • GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
  • WAN: Must be able to reach ppa.cuwb.io via port 443
  • RAM: 2GB or better
  • HD: 200MB or more (plus any additional required by logging)

General System Usage

Launch CUWB Viewer

Once the CUWB Viewer has been installed launch the application through the Linux applications menu, or type the following into a terminal window:


Network Configuration

On the initial run of the Viewer, no configuration file will be loaded. A network selection tool will pop up populated with all available networks the Viewer detects. The network window will also include default network settings properly configured for CUWB Network defaults. To get started select a network from this, and close the dialog.

To return to the network selection dialog select “Edit->Network Selection” from the menu. Users may also add new networks using the “Edit->Network Settings” dialog.

By default, the Viewer will listen on the CUWB Network configuration channel (IP, port 7671, interface This allows the system to discover available network. These networks can be selected through the Network Selection dialog.

Default Configuration

To prevent the network selection dialog from appearing when the Viewer application boots, save the network configuration using the “File->Save Configuration” menu item. This will save the network settings to the default configuration.

The default configuration file, “viewer_default.db”, can be found in the [/usr/lib/cuwb/viewer/cuwb-viewer_Data/StreamingAssets/] folder. This file will load on boot and restore all settings that a user has saved for a given CUWB Network setup.

Initial View

After the initial boot animation the user will be presented with a blank screen showing only a 3D 10 meter grid. Upon reception of CDP data from a CUWB Network the grid will grow and form around the representations of the system tags and anchors.

Device Color Table

By default tags are represented as blue spheres, non-seeding anchors as green cubes, and seeding anchors as magenta cubes.

Color Description
Magenta Seeder Locked
Pink Seeder Unlocked
Green Quiet Anchor Locked
Light Green Quiet Anchor Unlocked
Blue Tag
Gray Timed out

Mouse Controls

Drag View

The system view may be changed via the middle mouse button or mouse wheel. Holding the middle mouse button and dragging the mouse will move the user’s view in the same direction that the mouse is dragged.

Rotate View

To rotate the view, press and hold shift while dragging the mouse with the center button held. When the shift key is pressed, a sphere will appear on the screen that represent the point of rotation. The point of rotation is selected relative to the current cursor location. If no object is underneath the mouse, the rotation point will be located in the center of the visible grid. If the center of the grid is not visible, a point in the center of the screen will be used.

Zoom View

To zoom in and out, scroll the mouse wheel. Zoom direction and speed may be adjusted in the “Edit->User Configs” dialog.

Object selection

The left mouse button serves as the object selector. Selected objects may be configured through the main menu in the “Device Config” dialog, or by pressing ‘C’ once selected. To see current statistics for an object choose the “Device Info” dialog, or press ‘I’ on the keyboard once selected.

Selected Tags and Anchors will appear with a cyan highlight. Imported objects that are selected will appear with a yellow highlight.

Distance Measurement

Distance measurement is done quickly by left clicking on an object and dragging the selection over to another object. The result will be a dark line between the object with a distance measurement displayed in the center.

Keyboard Controls

Camera Shortcuts

Description Keyboard
Switch Camera Perspective -
Zoom to Fit =
Go to Camera Position 0-9 0-9
Set Camera Position 0-9 Ctrl+0-9
Pan Down Down
Pan Left Left
Pan Right Right
Pan Up Up
Roll Left Ctrl+Left
Roll Right Ctrl+Right
Rotate Down Shift+Down
Rotate Left Shift+Left
Rotate Up Shift+Up
Zoom In Ctrl+Up
Zoom Out Ctrl+Down

General Shortcuts

Description Keyboad
Open Viewer Documentation F1
Show/Hide UI ESC
Pause/Resume Space
Delete Selected Model DEL
Open Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog ?
Hide Selected Device H
Show/Hide Message Window M
Save Configuration Ctrl+S
Save Configuration As Ctrl+Shift+S
Load Configuration Ctrl+O
Open Import Model Dialog Ctrl+M
Open Import Primitive Dialog Ctrl+E
Open Device Settings Dialog Ctrl+T
Open Network Settings Dialog Ctrl+N
Open Device List Dialog Ctrl+D
Open Object List Dialog Ctrl+Q
Open Configure Grid Dialog Ctrl+G
Open Import Image Dialog Ctrl+I
Open Camera Defaults Dialog Ctrl+K
Open User Settings Dialog Ctrl+U
Open Device Names Dialog Ctrl+L
Open UWB Heatmap Mode Dialog Ctrl+V
Clear Devices from Screen Ctrl+ESC
Open TWR Graph Dialog Ctrl+W
Open Find Device Dialog /
Open Color Legend Dialog Ctrl+J
Open Device Stats Panel I
Open Device Config/Object Properties Panel C
Open Network Selection Dialog Ctrl+B

Object Transform

Note: these transforms only work on selected objects.

Description Keyboard
Move Left Left
Move Right Right
Move Up Up
Move Down Down
Move Away From Camera Shift+Up
Move Away From Camera Shift+Down
Switch to Rotation Tool R
Switch to Translation Tool T
Switch to Scale Tool S

Menu Bar Options

The main menu bar has the following submenus:

Main Menu Submenu Description
File Save Configuration Save the current configuration, overwriting the previously loaded configuration
File Save Configuration As… Open the save configuration dialog
File Load Configuration Open file browser to select a configuration
File Exit Close the CUWB Viewer
- - -
Edit Configure Grid Configure the grid size and visibility
Edit Network Settings Modify and add network configurations
Edit Network Selection Select available networks to connect to or disconnect from
Edit User Settings User preference dialog
- - -
View Camera Defaults Set default camera view and perspective
View Device Names Assign names to devices see Device Options
View Device Settings Configurable settings for the devices see Device Options
View Device List Device listing and global configurations see Device Options
View Object List Imported object listing
View UWB Heatmap Mode Select device and set UWB Heatmap mode active
View TWR Graph Two-Way Range dialog
View Find Device Search for, and move to, a device
View Clear Devices Clears all devices from the view
- - -
Object Import Image Import an image1
Object Import Model Import a model2
Object Import Primitive Import a primitive object
- - -
Help Keyboard Shortcuts View the keyboard shortcuts
Help Viewer Help Open the documentation page
Help Color Legend View the color legend for the devices
Help Tutorial Open the usage tutorial
Help Tips Open the usage tips dialog
Help About CUWB Viewer Display Viewer information
Help External Licenses 3rd-party software Licensing information
- - -
Device Stats3   Opens Device Stats dialog.
Device Config3   Opens Device Configuration dialog.
Object Properties3   Opens Object Properties dialog.
  1. Supports most common image formats: JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.
  2. Supports most common 3D object formats: OBJ, FBX, DAE, etc.
  3. Menus only visible when an object is selected

Heatmap Mode

Enabling this mode changes the coloring of anchors to reflect their usage in tracking the selected tag. The location algorithm weights data from anchors depending on the quality of the tag beacon reception. Anchor coloring in heatmap mode reflects the relative anchor weighting used by the location algorithm. The table below describes the heatmap color scheme.

Heatmap Color Table

Color Description
Red 90-100%
Orange 80-89%
Yellow 70-79%
Green 60-69%
Blue 50-59%
Violet 40-49%
Pink 0-39%
Gray Not Used
Black Bad Status

Device Options

The device configuration options supported by the system are as follows:

Option Description
Projection Shadows Toggle projection of device shadow on grid walls
Projection Lines Toggle projection line from device to grid walls
Serial Numbers Toggle serial number display
Interface ID Toggle interface ID display for all devices
Tag Trails Show tag path over configurable period in seconds
Shown/Hidden Toggle display of device on or off in Viewer
Color Set individual coloring for device
Tag smoothing Set the number of tag position reports to average for display
Device Resizing Change the scale of devices
Device Names Assign name to device for display instead of serial

The above options can be configured by highlighting the device and clicking on the options button. They can be toggled for devices simultaneously in the main menu bar “View” menu.

CUWB Viewer Manual Manual Change Log

Version Date Change Description
1.0 2018-05-16 Initial Public Release
CUWB Viewer Manual Rev 1.0 CUWB Viewer Manual Download