• CUWB Products
CUWB v2.0 (Archimedes)

Archimedes Software

The Ciholas Ultra-Wideband (CUWB) Server is a graphical user interface (GUI) and UWB network manager application. The CUWB Server performs Real Time Location System (RTLS) calculations producing location data that is broadcast over ethernet for use by external applications. The CUWB Server provides users with a convenient GUI for network configuration as well as a 2D visualization of the location data.

Additional Information

Please visit the following links for Archimedes specific documentation:

  • System installation and usage instructions check out the User Manual
  • Software and Binaries can be found in the Downloads section
  • A quick introduction to the Archimedes CUWB System can be found in the Quick Start Guide.

Please visit the following links for more information and documentation regarding Ciholas UWB systems and products: